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Student Appeal Application

Students have the right to appeal their academic status or final grade. All appeals are evaluated on a case by case basis, as per the restrictions, regulations and deadlines listed in the Academic Calendar. Please refer to all the different appeal processes listed in the academic calender. Your student account will be charged $50.00 for an appeal of a final grade; if the appeal is successful, the fee will be reimbursed. If you have questions, please email the Registrar at
Student Information
Appeal Details
Appeal Information
A student has the right to appeal a decision regarding academic probation, suspension, assignment grade or final grade. Please provide details on the grounds for your appeal in the appropriate catagory. 

Ambrose University is committed to safeguarding the personal information entrusted to us. We manage your personal information in accordance with Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act and other applicable laws. Information collected in this form may be used to contact you regarding programs and services. It will form part of your record as an applicant, student, and alumnus and may be disclosed to academic and administrative units. All information is considered confidential and will be used and disclosed in accordance with privacy legislation. For more information regarding the collection or use of this information, please contact the Privacy Compliance Officer (403-410-2000 or e-mail

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