Partnership - Seminary Now
Ambrose Seminary is proud to be a partner with Seminary Now. Seminary Now is a subscription-based, streaming video platform that delivers biblical, theological, and practical ministry training. Through this partnership, Ambrose faculty will be recording and releasing courses that you can take for-credit with Seminary Now. These courses can then be applied to an Ambrose program upon admission. Visit Seminary Now.
For-Credit Courses (Seminary Now Subscription Required)
Old Testament Survey - Dr. Beth Stovell
This course explores the literature, history, and theology of the Old Testament. Students will study the big story of the Old Testament, its primary theological themes, and its relevance for Christian faith and life.
Not-For-Credit Courses (Available through SeminaryNOW - via subscription or one-time fee)
Introduction to the Minor Prophets - Colin Toffelmire and Beth Stovell
This course explores how this collection of twelve books tells us the story of God's people, a story of loss, pain, faithfulness and unfaithfulness, and God's repeated, persistent intervention in the lives of his people.