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Spiritual Life


Worship at Ambrose Experience Spiritual Life

As a Christian university, Ambrose makes intentional space for your faith to flourish. Our hope and prayer is that through your time at Ambrose you would grow in your love for God, neighbor, self, and creation.

We know that following the Christian spiritual path requires a community, and so we welcome you into our community of staff, faculty and students. 

Chapel Resources

Chapel Recordings
Twice a week our campus community gathers for chapel services, at 11:15 A.M. These are times to worship through singing, praying and hearing from the Scriptures (the Bible). Ambrose faculty, staff and students preach and share encouraging stories about their spiritual journeys. View This Week's Chapel

Word and Table Booklet
Word and Table chapels are a time to come together at tables for worship, and this booklet is intended as a resource to aid you in worship of God when you need it. Download now


Worship at Ambrose

Twice a week our campus community gathers for chapel services. These are times to worship through singing, prayer and scripture reading. Students, staff and faculty are involved in chapel through preaching, testimonial sharing, and leading worship. If you want to get involved in chapel services, talk to the campus Worship Coordinator.

Ambrose students come from over 30 Christian denominations and traditions. Some come from other religious traditions or no religion at all! We celebrate this diversity, and extend welcome to any who wish to join us.


Chapel Times

Tuesday and Thursday
11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Airhart and online:

If you want to get involved in chapel services, talk to the campus Worship Coordinator.


Community Groups

Come join a community of students who gather to support, encourage and pray for one another. Groups are led by a trained student leader, and are a great way to form deep and lasting relationships. We have groups for both residence and commuter students.

Fill out the web form to join a group today! 

If you have any questions please contact


Deeper Life Day

Early in the fall semester, we take a full day to gather as a community to focus on a specific topic and how that integrates with life and faith. The morning consists of worship and a guest speaker, and there is a variety of practical application sessions in the afternoon. The topic for Deeper Life Day changes yearly, sets the tone for the semester, and is often discussed in classes.

Click here to learn about this year’s Deeper Life Day.


Prayer Room

On campus we have a quiet place where you can go to pray alone or with a small group. This beautiful, small space has been designed specifically to help you retreat from the busyness of your day-to-day life and direct your thoughts toward Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Prayer Room is L2059 on the second floor of Mjolsness Hall. You’ll recognize it by its colourful stained glass wall. There is no need to reserve the room for your individual use.

The residence buildings also each have rooms set aside for quiet prayer.


Local Church

Although Ambrose is a faith community that offers you regular fellowship and great ways to serve, our community isn't meant to be a substitute for local church involvement. We encourage you to expand your Christian community outside Ambrose by becoming part of one of the many diverse and vibrant congregations in and around Calgary.

You can find a list of churches here to get involved with or you can contact the Student Life office.