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Master Of Christian Studies


The Master of Christian Studies (MCS) is a program focusing on biblical and theological studies. Designed for students pursuing personal growth and formation, this program is intended to enhance your interests, giftedness and career. Cultivate a heart after God, rediscover Christian tradition and learn to interpret God’s revelation. Explore foundational studies in Old Testament, New Testament, Theology, and Personal Formation. Continue to build and customize these studies by choosing courses of interest to you.

This program is geared towards promoting personal growth and knowledge or to enhance how you serve in your local church context, rather than preparing you for career ministry.

Beyond the Classroom

Grow spiritually as part of the Seminary community through chapel services, days of prayer, and retreats.

Your Future

This degree is ideal if you’re serving in lay ministry or you’re looking to integrate your faith with your current career.

Featured Courses

  • NT 502 Synoptic Gospels

    An introduction to New Testament studies and exegetical skills through the study of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

  • OT 502 Pentateuch

    An introduction to Old Testament studies and exegetical skills through the study of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. 

  • CH 501 History of Global Christianity

    This course is an overview of the history of Christianity from the time of the early Church to the present. Considers the development of Christian ideas and institutions within their corresponding social, cultural and political contexts, meets influential Christians, discovers devotional treasures, and encounters the diverse traditions that have shaped and been shaped by the world around them.

  • TH 501 The Christian Confession

    The course is designed for students who have no previous training in theology. It is an introduction to the discipline of theology, its nature, necessity, methodology, and contours. The course emphasis is on the content of theology rather than the practice of theology per se. The course concentrates on the classical loci of Christian theology surveyed under the following categories: (1) Revelation; (2) God; (3) Creation, Fall, and Redemption; and (4) the Church and Its Future.

  • PT 501 Personal Formation and Development

    This course helps the student develop a rule of life that fits their personality, season of life, and unique situation. It explores the nature and goal of spiritual formation, as well as examines our rich inheritance of spiritual practices from scripture and church history. The student will also be asked to undertake an intensive study of one biblical or historical figure in light of that indivual's spiritual formation (and, if warranted, deformation).

Program Information