Connect Mentorship
Student Life provides personal support to help you make the most of your time at Ambrose.
What is Connect Mentorship?
The Connect Mentorship Program is a peer to peer program that connects new students (known as “mentees”) with current Ambrose student volunteers (known as “mentors”). The program provides strength-based mentorship experiences for first-year students, recognizing the importance of supporting students to explore their potential as they transition into university. This program empowers both the mentor and mentee to establish relationships and learn different skills through education, culture, community and wellness.
Why Mentorship?
University is one of the most formative times in a student’s life. It is an intense influence that can enhance one’s greatest potential or on the other hand, result in feeling overwhelmed with a strained sense of well-being. Depending on the school culture and philosophy of preparing students for success, the first year is an opportunity to engage students in ways that will build their learning and performance skills, a sense of competence and responsibility along with a deep commitment of owning their university experience. The intent of this program, which is also a part of an Ambrose research study is to investigate the impact of enhancing the resilience and performance strengths capacity of first year students to flourish with the desired goal of optimizing their mental health, ability to thrive academically and socially as well as to experience positive well-being at school.
- To welcome new students to Ambrose community
- To provide advice about adapting to studying at Ambrose (remotely or in-person) and adapting to life in Calgary if needed.
- To build connections among new students starting their studies (online or in-person) and current Ambrose students
How does the program work?
First-year Ambrose students are matched with a 3rd or 4th year student who is trained in Strengths-based mentorship. The program begins in early-September and continues throughout the academic year until April. You will meet with your mentor for approximately 1 hour/week for the first five weeks. Afterwards, you and your mentor can meet bi-weekly. Events and activities will be planned throughout the year to support mentor/mentee relationships as well.
How to get involved?
For first year students, you will receive a Connect Mentorship application form in your Registration Package. If you missed it, click on “Be a mentee: Connect Mentorship Program.”
If you are a returning student interested in becoming a mentor to first year students, complete the following application, “Be a mentor: Connect Mentorship Program.”
What is a mentor?
A mentor is an experienced student who has volunteered to assist in the program because of his/her genuine interest in building personal connections and exploring the potential of students. He/she functions as a coach, friend, and most of all, a positive role model.
Who can be a mentor?
Any 3rd of 4th year student who is willing to be trained in Strength based mentorship (approx. 3-4 hours total) and spend about 1-2 hours per week during the semester with a first-year student; and meet the mentor criteria, can be a mentor. On top of those hours, there will be opportunities for social contact and activities. The mentor will be a friend, and more importantly, a “link” to help new students navigate life on and off campus.
What is required to be a mentor?
- Completed Application Form
- Completed Flourishing Assessment
- Attend Connect Mentorship Program “Kickoff” and Training
- Commit 1-2 hours per week or bi-weekly
*Other information can be obtained from the Connect Program Coordinator.
Mentors in the program will:
- Support and get to know the first-year students transitioning into Ambrose University
- Provide support, encouragement, and positive perspectives
- Serve as a resource and referral person for the mentee
- Encourage the mentee to interact frequently with his/her academic advisor
- Establish and maintain ongoing contact with the Connect Mentorship Coordinator to discuss student progress and feedback as needed to ensure success
- Encourage mentees to utilize campus resources
- Motivate mentees toward achieving academic excellence
- Receive support from the Connect Program Coordinator as well as allocated monthly check-in times
- Come together during check-in times to share what's working well for them, and what is not working for them in their experience as a mentor
What is required to be a mentee?
- Completed Application Form
- Be a first-year student at Ambrose
- Attend Connect Mentorship Program “Kickoff”
- Commit 1-2 hours per week or bi-weekly to meet with your mentor
Mentees (first-year students) in the program will:
- Maintain contact, keep commitments, and attend meetings with the mentor
- Accept the support from the mentor
- Get to know their mentor
- Develop strategies and expectations to successfully transition into university life (both academically and personally)
- Understand the supports and services available for personal and academic success
- Increase the sense of belonging within the Ambrose community
Mentors and Mentees Initial Contact
- Attend Connect Mentorship “Kickoff” together to connect and identify with each other
- Discuss mentees needs and expectations
- Discuss goal setting activities to assist in achievement of mentees educational objectives
- Share resource information beneficial to mentee
- Provide mentee with information on vital support services essential for university survival
- Establish a schedule for future meetings