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Arts and Science Electives


Arts and Science Electives

The term Arts and Science elective, where it appears in a Bachelor of Arts program, means an Arts and Science course chosen by the student, provided any necessary prerequisites have been met.

Fine and Performing Arts Courses
Art (ART)
Dance (DA)
Fine Arts (FA)
Music (MU)
Theatre (TH)

Humanities Courses
English (EN)
History (HI)
Humanities (HUM)
Language – Ancient (GR, HEB, LING)
Language – Modern (FRE)
Philosophy (PH)
Religion/Christian Studies (REL)

Social Sciences Courses
Behavioural Science (BHS)
Economics (ECO)
Indigenous Studies (INDG)
Psychology (PS)
Sociology (SO)

Science Courses
Astronomy (ASTR)
Biochemistry (BCH)
Biology (BIO)
Botany (BOT)
Chemistry (CHE)
Computer Science (CS)
Ecology (ECOL)
Geography (GEOG)
Geology (GEO)
Kinesiology (KIN)*
Mathematics (MA)
Medical Science (MED)
Physics (PHY)
Science (SC)
Statistics (STA)
Zoology (ZOO)
*Note: Not all KIN courses can be used as Science credits; check the course descriptions.

Other Arts and Science Courses
Development Studies (DVST)
Intercultural Studies (ICS)
Interdisciplinary (IND)
Political Science (POLI)

Open Electives

The term Open Elective means any course chosen by the student, provided any necessary prerequisites have been met. All ACC (Accounting), BUS (Business), PST (Professional Studies) and selected KIN (Kinesiology) courses will apply to Ambrose University Arts and Science degrees as Open Electives. Field Education (FE) courses cannot be applied to Arts and Science degrees.

Course Level

Courses considered as junior level are those which have a course number in the 100s. Senior level courses are those numbered at the 200, 300 or 400-level.