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Education and Discipleship


ED 501 Teaching and Learning (3) B
ED 501-CL Teaching and Learning (3) 

This course uses group and experiential learning to provide participants with growing confidence in their identity as communicators in diverse teaching situations, aware of the diversities in learners and instructional methodologies relevant to Christian educational ministry.


ED 506 Discipleship Practices for the Church (3) B
ED 506-CL Discipleship Practices for the Church (3)

An introduction to biblical foundations and historical models for the process of discipleship in diverse and changing cultures. The course will explore principles of spiritual formation, mentoring and also explore practices for forming and supervising small groups.


ED 606 Discipleship and Mentoring in the Church (3) O

This course will examine the biblical and historical models and principles for the lifelong process of making disciples in a changing culture. Built on the foundation of spiritual formation students will be challenged to grow as disciples. This course examines a holistic approach to strength-based mentoring, character development and application of Resiliency Assessment Inventories and how that applies to spiritually maturing devoted disciples of Christ and causes them to thrive in the world.


ED 611 Small Groups Ministry (3) O
ED 611-CL Small Groups Ministry (3)

A focused study of the dynamics of small group ministry. The course begins from a biblical and sociological rationale for working with people in small groups and includes an experience of small group life. Consideration is given to the stages of small group life, group types, and small group implementation skills.

Prerequisite: ED 501 or ED 506


ED 621 Teaching Children for Faith Formation (3) B

Students will develop skills in teaching children. This course includes attention to goals, methods, classroom management, audio-visual media and use of curriculum for the church’s ministry to children and families. Strategies for training and empowering volunteer teams to teach children will be addressed.

Note: This course is cross-leveled at the undergraduate level as PST 321.


ED 622 Leadership Essentials for Children and Family Ministry (3) B

Practical leadership strategies for leading and implementing ministries to children and families in a church context.

Note: This course is cross-leveled at the undergraduate level as PST 322.


ED 623 Family Ministry Essentials (3) O

An exploration of the family ministry movement and strategies for church initiatives to strengthen marriage, nurture children’s faith and keep teenagers in the church.

Note: This course is cross-leveled at the undergraduate level as PST 323.


ED 626 Volunteer Ministry (3) B

Designed to help the leader of volunteers increase their effectiveness in the local church and other non-profit organizations. Develops a theological rationale for ministry by nonprofessionals and examines voluntarism’s contemporary contexts. Equips the learner to identify, recruit, place, train, equip, motivate, and support volunteers.

Note: This course is cross-leveled at the undergraduate level as PST 319.


ED 641 Strategies of Youth Ministry (3) B

This course is an intensive and comprehensive study of the principles and practices of local church youth ministry.  Methodological framework will focus on three distinct skill levels: a) working with teens themselves, b) working with adult volunteers, and c) managing and supervising volunteers and/or interns, as well as working alongside other church staff members. Special attention will be given to growing a healthy youth group, and to the personal life of the youth worker.

Note: This course is cross-leveled at the undergraduate level as PST 341.


ED 643 Contemporary Issues for Youth Ministry (3) B

Foundational skills to understand and assess the constantly changing issues of youth culture for effective and relevant ministry with contemporary youth. Utilizing various resources, students will gain awareness and understanding of issues facing youth in order to build necessary skills to reflect critically on these issues, leading to the ability to evaluate, change, and/or create effective ministry methodologies and practices.

Note: This course is cross-leveled at the undergraduate level as PST 342.


ED 645 Special Topics in Education (3) O

A course in education, discipleship or leadership on a topic of current interest or specialized study. May be repeated for credit as topics change.


ED 647 Models of Cross-Cultural Education (3) O

An examination of the formal, non-formal and informal education patterns of the host culture. Develops skills to evaluate the educational structures and paradigms in select societies.

Prerequisite: ED 501


ED 745 Education, Discipleship and Leadership Seminar (3) O

An advanced seminar addressing a particular theme, group of themes, or critical issue in the field of discipleship or leadership. Participants will be expected to conduct research and present their findings to the class. May be repeated for credit as topics change.


ED 750 Education Independent Study (3) O

For the advanced student (at least one-half through their program), this is an opportunity to research, organize and write on a subject of special interest in Christian Education. Intended primarily for those students with highly individualized needs, the study emphasizes self- direction and initiative from the student.

Prerequisite: Permission of the Dean