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Spiritual Care


SPC 501 Foundations of Spiritual Care (3) B

An introduction to the scope and provision of spiritual care within various institutional settings. The course will integrate readings, spiritual assessments, theological reflection, verbatim/case reviews, and classroom presentations and discussions.

Note: this course cannot substitute for PT 610.


SPC 507 Psychological Impacts of Poverty (3) B

An exploration of the impacts of poverty on human psychological development. This course will examine the effects of poverty on the maturation of the brain; cognitive, social and emotional abilities; and health outcomes. Also considered will be the influence of living in poverty on the understanding of self and others and on how this influence contributes to risk and resilience. Instruction will consist of lectures, class activities and development of a targeted intervention strategy.

Note: This course is cross-leveled at the undergraduate level as PS 307.


SPC 610 The Ministry of the Chaplain (3) O

This interactive course will help students learn more about the skills and gifts necessary for institutional ministry, and explore the “art” of chaplaincy. Students will examine the challenges of ministry in multi-faith, multicultural settings, and reflect on their own styles of ministry.


SPC 613  Introduction to Prison Chaplaincy (3) O

An introduction to chaplaincy practices in a criminal justice context.  Students develop knowledge of offenses and sentences, prison dynamics and security issues, and skills in pastoral interviewing, maintaining public presence, faith formation, worship and rituals, ecumenical and inter-faith accommodation, restorative justice, and reintegration initiatives.


SPC 615 Spiritual Care of the Dying (3) O

This course will address the theological issues and pastoral challenges presented in the care of dying persons and will provide useful clinical constructs to enhance the practice of spiritual care. It will explore suffering and death, the place of hope and faith, contemporary palliative care, ethical issues, the assessment of spiritual and religious needs, models of pastoral intervention, the use of prayer and ceremony, and planning for bereavement care.


SPC 625 Professional Ethics (3) B

Exploration of the ethical development of persons in the helping professions, particularly within the context of Christian ministry. We will explore professional ethics in situations involving informed consent, confidentiality, conflict of interest, honesty, whistleblowing, and public trust. The impact of accountability on individuals, employers, and professional ethical standards will be considered within the context of contemporary social issues.


SPC 645 Special Topics in Spiritual Care (3) O

A course in spiritual care on a topic of current interest or specialized study. Course may be repeated for credit as topics change.
Prerequisite: PT 501

Note: A supplementary fee may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.


SPC 715 Clinical Psycho-spiritual Education (6) A

The first basic unit of Clinical Psycho-spiritual Education (CPE). CPE fosters reflection on all relationships and invites students to consider how their personal story integrates with their professional life. Competencies are assessed using the standards of the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care (CASC/ACSS).

Note: this course has pass/fail grading. Admission is regulated by Alberta Health Services.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Department


SPC 716 Clinical Psycho-spiritual Education II (6) A

The second basic unit of Clinical Psycho-spiritual Education (CPE). CPE fosters reflection on all relationships and invites students to consider how their personal story integrates with their professional life. Competencies are assessed using the standards of the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care (CASC/ACSS).

Note: this course has pass/fail grading. Admission is regulated by Alberta Health Services.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Department


SPC 717 Clinical Psycho-spiritual Education Advanced Unit I (6) A

The first advanced unit of Clinical Psycho-spiritual Education (CPE) builds on the two basic units (SPC 715 and 716) and further develops clinical pastoral skills.

Note: this course has pass/fail grading. Admission is regulated by Alberta Health Services.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Department


SPC 718 Clinical Psycho-spiritual Education Advanced Unit II (6) A

The second advanced unit of Clinical Psycho-spiritual Education (CPE) builds on the two basic units (SPC 715 and 716) and the first advanced unit (SPC 717) further develops clinical pastoral skills.

Note: this course has pass/fail grading. Admission is regulated by Alberta Health Services.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Department


SPC 745 Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Seminar (3) O

An advanced seminar addressing a particular theme, group of themes, or critical issue in the field of chaplaincy and spiritual care. Students will be expected to do research and present their findings to the class. Course may be repeated for credit as topics change.


SPC 750 Spiritual Care Independent Study (3) O

For the advanced student (at least one-half through their program), an opportunity to research, organize and write on a subject of special interest in chaplaincy and spiritual care. Intended primarily for those students with highly individualized needs, the study emphasizes self-direction and initiative from the student.


SC 790 Graduating Essay (non-credit) A

Each student will complete a graduating essay which will be evaluated as pass/fail. This graduating essay will typically be a summative reflection on the integration of the student’s biblical and theological studies and their chosen career and/or personal giftedness.